Monday, December 24, 2007


So, I hung out with some friends last night. Including Jordan-AKA, the guy I like. He's even smarter than I thought. He's really funny, too. I sound like some weird little girl. -.-.
Anyways, I had a blast last night. I've already posted the details somewhere else, so I'm not going to bother here.
I just... I don't know how to ask him out... I'm afraid my other friend, Chelsie, would think I was using her to get to him, which isn't true at all. they are best friends, literally.
Idk.... I think I'll talk to her about it first, ya know? See what she would think. Maybe she could help...? Idk... I'll have to figure it out.

Onto other things, it's Christmas Tomorrow. Doesn't feel like it, but I suppose that's because I'm getting older...
I hope I get what I want still. xD.
But I gotta go.
Idk if that's spelt right.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Hmm... I like this guy.
It's not exactly "love."
I know what love is, and this isn't it. But it could be, if he wants to try.
Thinking about asking him out. On a date. Something that isn't done alot in this... time.
Ugh, I hate my family. They are arguing about nothing again.

Anyways, yeah, this guy, he's amazing. He's really nice, he's smart, one of my friends, and he's beautiful.

But yeah... I think that's it.


Is it wrong to have a crush on my science teacher?


I'm not actually sure if anyone is going to read this, but hey, who the hell cares? I'll talk anyway.
So... I'm quite bored. Today was the last day of school before Christmas holidays. Cool.
My head is itchy....
I got incredibly baked today and feel awesome....
I need a shower tomorrow...
Gotta go to bed....
I guess I'll write more later.